Welcome to ScheduleCleaner Partnership Program!

We are happy to announce the launch of Schedule Cleaner’s Partnership Program. It is a unique opportunity to become part of our official reseller network and enjoy the many benefits available to your team.

Our team is incredibly proud of our Partnership Network and their everyday efforts, dedication and support for ScheduleCleaner. Through their tireless activity, we are able to help their end customers and make ScheduleCleaner available all around the world. They are an integral part of our operations, and we are immensely grateful for the support they provide.

Check our Partnership Program page to learn more about the entire program.

What Are You Gaining

Each of the members of our Partnership Program has a wide array of benefits available to them. If you decide to sign up now, you will have:

  • Fast and effortless approval process

Complete the form, and our team will contact you within a few days. The entire process of becoming a partner takes no more than five working days. You will receive guidance throughout all the steps in the process by ScheduleCleaner’s team.

Of course, our team will be constantly available if you have any questions or need additional clarification and information about the Partnership Program or the product itself;

  • Full team support during the entire introduction process

We will make sure you have constant guidance about our product, whenever you need it. You will also receive comprehensive materials about ScheduleCleaner from us, along with information and guidance on how they can be presented to your clients in order to get the best optimal results.

  • Marketing and Promotion Opportunities

As part of our ever-growing network of partners, you will be part of our promotion and marketing efforts. You can be featured on our website and social media pages along with all our reseller partners. We also offer the opportunity of organizing webinars together or have joint participation and support at relevant conferences and trade shows. Our team can provide readily available marketing materials or collaborate with you on new ideas and initiatives to show how ScheduleCleaner can help your partners and clients.

  • Special Bonus Packages for Yearly Quotes

Last, but not least, we are offering additional bonuses for reaching, and surpassing our yearly sales quotes. You will find more info from our team during the introduction process.


About ScheduleCleaner

ScheduleCleaner is an essential desktop application for schedulers, project planners, managers, and other project professionals. It allows them to remove, convert, or anonymize sensitive data within XER and XML project files exported from the Oracle Primavera P6 software.

When project information is shared with project stakeholders, there is often a need to limit the access to specific data. ScheduleCleaner allows you to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive data that lies inside your project files, by erasing, converting, or anonymizing specific categories of data values within your XER and XML schedules.

Find out more about XER ScheduleCleaner here.