Clean Prices for Resources & Roles

A general contractor is working on a .xer project file needs to be send to a sub-contractor, who does not want to see nor is interested about the cost of resources. The sub-contractor needs only the resource names and allocated hours as information. 

Moreover, the general contractor works with tow other sub-contractors and need to perform “cost cleaning” on multiple .xer schedules on a daily basis.

What can ScheduleCleaner do about resources cost?

ScheduleCleaner is software solution that can hide confidential data in XER files such as pricing, costs, units and rates.

With the “Clean all Costs” functionality in ScheduleCleaner, the general contractor can remove/hide the costs for the resources from the XER file that needs to be shared with the sub-contractors. 

In addition, with the “Batch Clean” functionality, the general contractor can create a reusable template and apply on all XER schedule files instead one by one.

In this way the entire process of cleaning the confidential information from .xer project files is fully automated, and the secure transfer of data between parties is ensured.

The Outcome

With ScheduleCleaner, contractors will make sure they share project plans only with desired information, thus protecting confidential data from third-parties.

Project plan before "Cleaning"

Project plan after "Cleaning"

Get a Personal Introduction or Request a Trial Version

We would be happy to show you how ScheduleCleaner™ can help you clean and share XER schedules with confidence.